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*Carrie & Tomas Wedding*

Santorini - 18th August 2016


Here you will find some information about the day and for those of you who can not make it, please find the skype link below to watch the ceremony live!

Please take as many pictures through out the day! But please may i ask you not to post any pictures on social media before i do. Only i'd like to be the first person to post a picture of the dress on the day.

Ladies please put flip flops in your bag as your feet may ache in heels all day (and it will be very hot too)

If you would like your make up done on the day, please contact Lucy for prices, who will be doing my make up too - 07507822703

Tom and Carrie fly off to marry

On a beautiful island in Greece

With their friends and relations

Its a big celebration

Hope the vases arrive in one piece!



Guests arrive at Dana Villas from 5pm

* 5:30pm Ceremony starts at Dana Villas
* 6pm End of ceremony
* 6:10-6:50 staying at Dana ceremony terraces for photos and cocktail hour
* 7:00- Dinner starts at “Private Dinner Venue” of Dana 
* 8:05 Sunset

* Dancing and Party!

* 12am Music turned off (Greek Law)



Risotto - flavoured with pumkin, parmesam, crispy proscuitto and cardamom


Greek Salad - Freshly chopped tomoatoes with cucumber, green peppers, onions, olives, capers, traditional Gretan rusks, feta cheese, olive oil and oregano


Chicken - with vegatables and potatoes


Chocolate moose - with pieces of dark chocolate topped with fresh strawberries and nuts


Live Skype Feed - please click on this link

The link will be live 15 mins before the ceremony

3.15pm UK Time

4.15pm Czech Time



Níže najdete všechny důležité informace ohledně svatebního dne. Pro ty, kteří se nemohou dostavit, je přiložen link, přes který budete moci sledovat ceremonii živě přes Skype.


Prosíme hosty, aby se dostavili do hotelu Dana Villas v 17hod.

-          obřad se odehraje mezi 17:30 a 18. hodinou

-          18:10 – 18:50 focení na terase

-          19 hod. večeře

-          20:05 – západ slunce



Risotto ochucené dýní, parmasánem, křupavým proscuittem a cardamomem


Řecký salát – čerstvá rajčata a okurky, zelená paprika, cibule, olivy, kapary, tradiční řecké krutony, feta sýr, olivový olej a oregáno.


Kuřecí steak se zeleninou a bramborem


Čokoládový pudink s kousky tmavé čokolády, jahodami a ořechy


Live Skype Feed – prosím klikněte na link pro svatbu v přímém přenosu

Link začne fungovat v 16:15hod českého času.

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