Hi Everyone,
I can't wait to have you all back in class face to face next week!
Please find below a few reminders. If you have any questions please let me know.
Attending your dance class will be slightly different and will require you to do a few things before entering.
No parents will be allowed to stay/wait at the venue. Please drop your child off at the door and keep 2m apart at all times from other children/parents. Please arrive no more than 10 mins before your class.
Please wear a mask when dropping off your child.
For younger students of the Hip Tots and Tots classes, parents please can you take your child to the toilet before entering the hall.
For students attending classes at Popstars venue, once in the reception area you will need to change your shoes. No outdoor shoes will be permitted, please bring a spare pair of trainers in a bag to change into it.
Use the hand sanitizer provided before entering the studio.
There will be rubber spots on the floor to keep students 2m apart. Choose a spot and stand on it. That will be your area for the rest of the class.
If you do need to cough or sneeze, please cover your mouth with your elbow and not your hand.
If you feel unwell, have a high temperature or any symptoms of Covid, please stay home.
With regards to payment of fees:
Fees will continue to be paid up front at the start of each half term. Paying by cash, please put the correct money in an envelope labelled with your childs name and hand to Carrie at the start of the first class back.
For updates please make sure i have your up to date mobile number and also like the CHDance facebook page – www.facebook.com/chdance
To contact Carrie please either phone 07710745702 or email carrie@chdance.com
Stay happy – Stay healthy – Stay safe and Socially dis-dance!